Simone is a doctoral researcher at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), with Prof. Paul de Hert as a promoter. At LSTS, he is involved in the EU H2020 project PERSONA, whose aim is to design a tailor made impact assessment method for so-called ‘no-gate’ crossing technologies. He is also a member of the Brussels Laboratory for Data Protection & Privacy Impact Assessments (d.pia.lab). His research interests are in philosophy of technology, the intersection between law and Science and Technology Studies (STS), enhancement technologies and ethical and legal aspects of biometrics. His background is in philosophy of technology and STS. In 2016 he obtained a Bachelor’s degree in philosophy at the University “Vita-Salute San Raffaele” in Milan (cum laude), where he combined his interests in bioethics with neuroscience and psychology. In 2018 he got his Masters of Science in Philosophy of Science, Technology and Society at the University of Twente, the Netherlands (cum laude). In particular, he specialized in surveillance technologies and privacy with a thesis on biometrics, identity management and the philosophy of personal identity. Outside academia, he worked as an intern for Eticas Research and Consulting in 2018 on, among other things, ABC4EU, an EU H2020 project whose aim is to make border control more flexible and efficient by enhancing the workflow and harmonizing the functions of the so-called “e-gates”.